When I was 11, I suffered a brain stem tumour. Coming back from a vegetative state and finishing school were only stepping stones along the path I have chosen, a path which, eventually lead to me to work in a hotel as a house person.

There are a lot of job postings out there, and there are many ideal candidates to fill those positions. People with disabilities are no exception, many of us have valuable skills to bring to the workforce. However, factors such as discrimination, prejudice and other economic barriers may stand in the way of us finding employment.

The only way to stand out in the job market is to be prepared, and utilize all the tools at our disposal. There are many resources, which specialize in helping people with disabilities find work. I learned a lot of professional skill building through an umbrella program at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, which consisted of many different employment agencies that represented various job fields.

Once I located my local branch, I was partnered with a job developer who worked with me to find job postings online and helped me regularly update and / or modify my resume. That is how I landed my first job – and the rest is history.


When working with a job developer, it is important to continue your own search for employment. You will learn quickly that you are one of the many cases they are working on, and therefore you are not their only priority. I also recommend that you stay in regular contact with your job developer to keep your case fresh in their mind and show that you are dedicated to finding work.

When a job developer finds a job opportunity he or she feels might be a suitable match for your skills, they will give you a call to see if you’re interested and to help you apply. Then it’s your show. Once you have an interview, you should start researching the company because as the interview workshops at any job agency will tell you, one of the most frequently asked interview questions is, ‘What do you know about this company?’ Another frequently asked question is, ‘How can you help this company?’

Call 211 or the Job Opportunity Information Network for help finding work

This last question is, in my opinion, is the most important one, and is loaded because it not only shows that you have a working understanding of the business, but it gives you the chance to apply your skills and experience while confirming you will be an asset to the company.

Many people will doubt you solely based on the fact that you have a disability. It is up to you to prove them wrong and highlighting your skills is a great way to do that.

Come to BIST’s Community Agency Fair on February 24th to find out about the many ways non-profit services can help you to lead a full life post-ABI

BIST communit agency fair, february 24 6-8 pm toronto reference library

Mychal is a member of BIST. This is his first article for Brain Injury Blog Toronto. 
Filed under: Back to Work, Going Back after ABI, Survivor Stories